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  • Lossnay Replacement Pre-Filters LGH-F1200RVX2-E - 8 Pack

    The Mitsubishi Lossnay Replacement Pre-Filters LGH-F1200RVX2-E 8 Pack is a replacement filter bundle for the LGH-F1200RVX-E Energy Recovery Ventilator System. Regular replacement of your pre-filters helps extend the life of your core filters. 

    This Set Includes Eight (8) Pre-filters. Core Filters are sold separately.

    Maintenance & Care: Clean filters every three months using a vacuum cleaner to remove light dust. For stubborn dirt, wash in a mild detergent solution and lukewarm water (under 104F). Replace the pre-filters annually to preserve the effectiveness and longevity of the Core filter. 

    Special Order - Please Allow 15 - 30 Days ARO