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  • Abatement Technologies H242406DG HEPA Filter for PAS1600S & PAS1600SHS

    Abatement Technologies H242406DG is the OEM replacement HEPA filter for the PAS1600S and PAS1600SHS portable air scrubbers.

    The H242406DG replacement HEPA filter has an injection-molded plastic frame.HEPA Filters (or high-efficiency particulate arresting filters) capture 99.97% of airborne contaminants as small as 0.3 microns in size. The Abatement Technologies H242406DG HEPA filter removes bacteria, mold spores, soot, pollens, animal hair, animal dander, dust mites, smoke particles, and other allergens and lung-damaging particles.

    Abatement recommends you change the H242406DG HEPA filter after 9000 hours (1 year) of use under normal operating conditions.

    This package ships with one (1) filter.

    Filter Dimensions: 24" 24" x 6"