Abatement Technologies H2000HP Filter Pack contains the following components:
Abatement Technologies H242406-99 replacement HEPA filter has an injection-molded plastic frame. The actual size of the H242406-99 HEPA filter is approximately 24" x 24" x 6".
HEPA or high efficiency particulate arresting filters capture 99.97% of airborne contaminants as small as 0.3 microns in size. The Abatement Technologies H242406-99 HEPA filter removes bacteria, mold spores, soot, pollens, animal hair, animal dander, dust mites, smoke particles and other allergens and lung damaging particles
Abatement recommends you change the H242406-99 HEPA filter after 9000 hours (1 year) of use under normal operating conditions. Replace Annually.
All components can be ordered separately, but you save when purchasing in a pack!