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  • Ultravation LPPP0002 Compact-Twin UV Lamp - 2 Pack

    This lamp is the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) replacement for your system. 

    Ultraviolet lights from Ultravation generate germicidal ultraviolet light or UV-C light. Ultraviolet light is natural part of sunlight and is part of the light spectrum that we can't see. Of the three types of UV light that exist in the spectrum, UV-C is the kind of UV light that is germicidal.

    BE CAREFUL OF "KNOCK-OFF Brands - Customers buy them ONCE and come back to us for the Real Thing! Knock-offs will cost about $35 to $50 each - you will be disappointed.

    The lamps that we sell create the same UV-C light that exists naturally in the light spectrum and are designed to disinfect the surfaces and the air inside your HVAC system and home. As the germs and microbes in your in your pass through the air cleaner or over the UV lamp in your HVAC system they are broken down and rendered harmless.

    The LPPP0002 is the 16 inch in replacement UV-C lamp for the following Ultravation product lines and model numbers:

    Ultravation UltraMax UME Economy UV Series Integrated Lamp Models:
    UME1036, UME2036 Ultravation UVS Monitored Germicidal UV Series Integrated Lamp Models:
    UVS1036, UVS2036 Ultravation UVE Standard Germicidal UV Series Integrated Lamp Models:
    UVE1036, UVE2036 Ultravation UME, UVS and UVE series integrated lamp models UME1036, UME2036, UVS1036, UVS2036, UVE1036 and UVE2036 use Philips compact-twin "U" shaped lamps that effectively double the length and intensity of the lamp. All UltraMAX UV lamps use Philips Sterilamp technology. Patented Sterilamp technology means highest output over the life of the lamp.


    The manufacturer recommends you change the UV lamps every 2 years under normal operating conditions. (Compare to "knock-offs" that might last 12 months if they work at all!)

    This package ships with 2 lamps.