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  • Abatement Technologies PAK100-UVP Annual Filter Pack for CAP100-UVP

    Abatement Technologies PAK100-UVP OEM replacement filter pack for the Abatement CAP100-UVP.

    Abatement Technologies PAK100-UVP one-year kit is the original equipment manufacturer replacement filter kit for use in the Abatement Technologies CAP100-UVP central air purification system.

    The filters and lamp included are:

    • 12 each of the H101 1st Stage 19 5/8" x 24 1/8" x 1" MERV 4 pre-filters (replace one per month)
    • 2 each of the H105UVR final stage 19 5/8" x 24 1/8" x 4 7/8" UV resistant MERV 13 filter (replace one every 6 months)
    • 1 each of the UVP125 16" ultraviolet lamps with trace Ozone (replace one time per year)
    Purchase options
    $243.87 USD
    $224.36 USD

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